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EasyVeg is a gleaming start-up name that has a surprising cool character. Here’s a notable name and domain that is professional sounding and is perfect for tech companies or other firms.
Vypure is very short in length and is composed of only 6 letters. Vypure is a name that conveys a sense of strength and would work well in health, pharmaceutical, home, cooking, fruits, vegetables, pharmaceuticals and other innovative markets.
Fruitcy is seven characters in length. Fruitcy is a highly suitable name for a new venture in consumer goods, services, food, beverage, home, cooking, fruits, vegetables, food, drink and family and community businesses.
If you’re looking for a strong domain that will stand the test of time, you’ve found it! GeoVegetable is 12 letters in length and is spelled G-E-O-V-E-G-E-T-A-B-L-E. This is a many business name that isn’t limiting in scope.