Build Name Equity
Your company name is at the very core of your business image and brand identity. A great company name will differentiate your company from other players in your industry. Here is a great article that will help you name your company and build name equity.
We advise that you form a small naming team to help guide your name selection process. The smaller the team, the easier it will be to make decisions. We have been involved in new business naming projects that have been burdened with unnecessarily large naming help teams. You will want input from diverse perspectives as you develop names.
Your new company has a variety of stakeholders or claimants whose perspectives and views you’ll want to receive. Consider getting in input on company names from your employees, executives, stockholders, vendors as well as friends and family. Each of these stakeholder groups has a unique perspective on the business. You might want to involve select stakeholders at the onset of the naming process to help guide your initial thinking and help in the creation process. They can also help narrow a list of potential new business names and assist in refining typefont, image, color and other visual elements.
Take a look at the category list in the column to the left. Many of the categories have subcategories. Click on the category and subcategories that best capture your company. Company names suited to the industry will be displayed. You can get more information on each of these company names by clicking the “details” tab. Make a note of the company names that could work for your application.
An invented name for your venture is a name that by itself, has no inherent meaning. These names evoke a feeling or sensation that your customers will respond to. To maximize the value and equity in a new name consider an invented name that is short in length, memorable, easy to spell and can be clearly pronounced.
When you find a name that you like, click the “My Favorites” button. Then you can easily review the company names that work best for your firm.
You’ll want to think about the strengths and weaknesses of each name. According to, a leader in brand development, you will want to get “consider getting input from key stakeholders and involving them in the creative process. You might want to ask them what they like and dislike about each name, what each name makes them feel and to share the first words that come to mind when they hear the business name.”
Don’t worry if the colors or logo design are not a perfect fit for your business application. The logo design that you see in our online catalog can be changed later by the Equity Name graphics design team at no additional cost.